Sister's can share a special bond that far surpass genetics and biology. I have three baby sister's and no brothers, however I suspect the same to be true between a brother and sister. I am fortunate. My sister's and I are very close. Even our fiercest wars seem to have left no damage. Unfortunately I've seen the opposite. Jeffrey Kluger, author of The Sibling Effect, wrote that in the time of a traumatic event (for example a divorce or loss of a loved one) siblings are drawn closer together, put aside their differences to band together, and emerge a stronger couple in the end. I can't say I believe this to be 100% true; I've witnessed the opposite. What I can say is that if I do my job the best I can, teach my girls that they are a team, can thrive on their differences, and let go of the negative experiences, then they will always have a rock in their life. That rock, their sister, will intuitively know their thoughts, have their back whether they are right or wrong, be their shoulder to cry on, and be just as excited as they are when exciting new opportunities arise. They will have that unparalleled bond that is like no other-not even a spouse(don't get jealous spouse's. I'm not implying that it is better...just different). This is what I want for my girls. I want the relationship between them to be the longest relationship they have. I want them to be each other's play mate, mentor, protector, counselor, and yes, even tormentor and instigator. From each other they will learn to resolve conflict, have patience, make peace, walk away, and stand up. If I do it right they will grow closer. They will be all they need to rely on should bad things happen if I'm not around.
There exist hundreds of quintessential quotes on the internet about sisters. Most revolve around the notion that because you are sister's by blood, there will be rainbows and panda bears in your relationship. I know what I have witnessed and experienced have led to me this conclusion, but I am a firm believer that blood is not thicker that water. The impenetrable sister bond is built brick by brick and if it isn't nurtured the big bad wolf will find a way to knock it down. To my sisters Debra, Amy, and Lauren my favorite quote that always brings my thoughts to you, "I had the greatest friend when I was a kid...and I got to keep her the rest of my life." To my girls, I wish the same blessing for you and I will do my best to teach you this.