Two and a half years of multiple diagnosis'. Two and a half years of progressive, invisible symptoms. Two and a half years of quality time lost with my little girls and my husband. Two and a half years of making plans and canceling and relying on others to do my motherly duties-in other words guilt and embarrassment. Two and half years of trying to answer why Mommy hurts, struggling to maintain professional growth and develop a personal business, paying a plethora of medical expenses, and taking 17+ pills of vitamins and prescriptions a day. Next week comes a brand new doctor. With that...a new diagnosis? A new treatment plan? Hope is brewing...again. Hope to be able to walk down the street with out pain and fatigue, hope to open my own containers, swallow my food with out choking, hope to hold my camera pain free, hope to take on my business again, hope to be completely and utterly ordinary again. No one famous, no one special. Just a mom and a wife. Living with out pain, feeling refreshed upon waking, driving her girls to and from dance and swimming, and school, going for a run (if my joints ever heal), reopening her photography studio, teaching at the local college, and saying "adios to all this autoimmune ^$&#*@."