One of the girl's favorite trips is going to the book store. This week we went to Barnes and Noble and they had a wonderful children's book on sale, "Guess How Much I Love You," written by Sam McBratney. Anna and Gracie both have their special books from me. Anna's book is "I Love You Through and Through," by Bernadette Rossetti-Shustak and Gracie's is "How Do I Love You?" by Marion Dane Bauer. With two toddlers and a newborn I never got around to picking a special book out for Emmalynn. So this day seemed perfect. Of course Gracie stole the book when Emma was napping but I can't argue with a child that loves to read!
I began to think about the purpose of having a special book for each of my girls. It wasn't planned, it just kind of happened. I think I was trying to convince them of just how much I love them. After all, telling them ten times a day wasn't working. Hugging them and kissing them more than I have ever hugged or kissed someone in one day wasn't enough. I have come to the realization that my girls will never fully understand the capacity in which I love them. And I think this was the purpose of the books. But, it's ok. One day when they have their own babies then they will. Just like I now understand the love my mother has for me. I now understand why my mom made the choices she did, why she left her career so young, why we couldn't have chocolate before bed.
A mother's love of her child is 100% inexplicable. The ingrained neural and hormonal interactions that assist in developing the bond between a mother and child are by far the most powerful in nature. After all, what else could compel another human being to walk over broken shards of glass, walk through flames, jump into a sinking ship, or in the line of fire to save another life? I can't quantify my love for my girls, I don't think any mother can. But as we always have and always will, I would like to ask you your thoughts. Leave a comment and share how you explain the love of a mother for her child. To my darling girls, guess how much I love you? "Infinity times infinity, with all my heart forever."
A quick note: If you like my posts and wouldn't mind sharing them it would really help me out :) Warmly, Kim