...It's The Size Of Fight In The Girl! This little girl can be a feisty one. She is teeny, tiny, and petite and the smallest in her class. But, o my, does she shine!!! I haven't quite figured out where Gracie gets her spunk and liveliness from. Whether it be nature, nurture, birth order, or a combination of all three, I look up to my daughter. Who would have thought? You can look up to your children! They can be a role model to be a better person. Most of the time Gracie exudes confidence and personality. She radiates rays of sunshine with her ever-constant smile. This was never me as a child and although I can't say I'm nearly as theatrical, she most certainly inspires me to be more like her. I never would thought such a small person could contain such "fight." I never would have dreamed my children could be role models to myself. I thought that was my job! (LOL, wink!)